The 142nd NAPA Convention at The International Printing Museum Carson, California July 27–29, 2017
315 W. Torrance Blvd.
Carson, CA 90745
Museum Phone: 310-515-7166
Business Phone: 714-529-1832
Fax: 310-515-8266

Accommodations will be at
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Carson
2 Civic Plaza, Carson, California, 90745, USA [MAP]
TEL: +1-310-830-9200
FAX: +1-310-518-2969

See the information below for booking.
Wed 7/12/2017 10:37 AM
Convention in Two Weeks—July 27–29, Carson, Cal.
The room reservation deadline has passed at the convention hotel, but you may still be able to make reservations for some of the convention-related events. See the web link at .
No reservation is needed to join the pre-convention dinner gathering at the Doubletree Hotel restaurant, 2 Civic Plaza Dr, Carson, CA 90745. The time is 6:00 p.m.
And no reservation is needed to attend the convention sessions proper, at the International Printing Museum, 315 W. Torrance Blvd., Carson, CA 90745. The sessions start at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 27-29.
—Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News
Mon 5/22/2017 4:52 PM
Hotel link for convention
We have all of the reservation and convention info on our [convention site] website at:
hotel info:
Let me know if there are any problems with the booking.
—Mark Barbour, Reception Committee Co-Chair
Fri 3/3/2017 1:16 AM
The International Printing Museum, Carson, CA, to Host the 2017 NAPA Convention, July 26th to 30th
The International Printing Museum in Carson, California, just south of downtown Los Angeles, will be the host for this year’s annual National Amateur Press Association Convention. The dates for the gathering of amateur journalists, or Ajayers, will be Wednesday, July 26th through Sunday, July 30th.
The backdrop of this year’s gathering are the beautiful working presses and displays at the International Printing Museum. Our hosts, Dr. Leland Whitson and Museum Director Mark Barbour have lined up an exceptional set of engaging presentations, working demonstrations and special outings to make this year’s convention a very memorable experience for all Ajayers who attend!
After the regular NAPA Convention business meetings each morning, the daily activities will include letterpress demonstrations on various historic presses, paper marbling workshop, linotyping and printing of special NAPA Convention Journal, unusual bookbinding techniques, and printing on 19th century hand presses large and small. There will be working tours of the Museum’s extensive galleries on printing history and a special theatre presentation by Benjamin Franklin, printer and journalist (and probably the first American Ajayer!).
Thursday evening will be a special Printer’s Movie Night with screenings of two period printing-related flicks in the Museum’s Heritage Theatre. Mark Barbour, the Museum’s Founding Curator, will give the banquet keynote presentation, “LINDNER’S GOLD: The Collections of the International Printing Museum”, highlighting colorful stories of the Ernie Lindner and his 50 years of building one of the largest collections of antique printing presses.
A special highlight of this year’s convention will be the fully letterpress printing of a special convention NAPA journal. Stories written by convention attendees will be linotyped in hot metal and printed on a Heidelberg cylinder with the cover printed on a Windmill Press. If you cannot attend the convention, you will be welcome to submit an article for inclusion.
The Printing Museum will highlight for attendees various amateur presses in the collection from 1850 to the present; several of these rare, historic presses will be set up for attendees to print keepsakes on. In addition, their will be a special, hands-on presentation of “Treasures from the Museum’s Library,” featuring rare type specimen books, printing journals and publications, along with early amateur press publications from the 19th century by the founders of the National Amateur Press Association.
Plan to experience a great National Amateur Press Association Convention in the warm, sunny climate of Southern California among the world-class collection of the International Printing Museum. Early attendees will have the opportunity for special tours of the Huntington Library & Gardens, and The Getty, both world-class cultural gems. This year’s NAPA Convention will be a gathering of Ajayers to remember, and you are guaranteed to get your fingers a bit dirty with ink and paper pulp! Make your plans now to travel west this July to join your fellow amateur journalists and printers. And if you are so inclined, you can come early and join the Amalgamated Printers Association (APA) Wayzgoose the weekend before, also at the Printing Museum.
The conference hotel will be the beautiful DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton in Carson, only 1.5 miles from the Museum. The hotel offers complimentary shuttle service back and forth to the Museum. All of the conference activities will take place at the Printing Museum.
Details and schedule for the 2017 NAPA Conference can be found at or by emailing conference host Mark Barbour at
Carson, California
The International Printing Museum was established in 1988 to house the impressive Ernest A. Lindner Collection of Antique Printing Equipment. Over the past three decades, the Museum’s collections and programs have grown significantly, with the Printing Museum being recognized as one of the largest displays of working antique printing presses in the world. Guests will see the hand-casting of metal printing type in Gutenberg’s workshop followed by the opportunity to “pull the devil’s tail” and print their own page of the Gutenberg Bible on his press. The displays on early printing include the Asian origins with Chinese and Japanese printing blocks, early Chinese papermaking, and Korean cast metal type that was used to print the first book from movable metal type 75 years before Gutenberg.
You will step into Benjamin Franklin’s colonial shop, America’s patriarch of printing and early journalist and writer. The exhibit features the third oldest American-made wooden press and several original specimens of Franklin’s printing, including a copy of his Pennsylvania Gazette. After printing your own copy of Poor Richard’s Almanack, you will continue your experience into the 19th century with the first metal printing press, the Stanhope Press of 1800, and the beautiful, albeit ostentasous, Columbian Press of 1813.
The Calico Rock Newspaper Shop of 1870 will give amateur journalists and printers an appreciation of what was required to “professionally” publish a weekly newspaper in a country town during the mid-19th century. The exhibit features the “Grasshopper” Cylinder Newspaper Press of 1880, invented by Enoch Prouty, a Baptist itinerant preacher interested in printing his temperance newspaper. The beginning of our modern “proof presses” can be seen with the portable galley press made and distributed by Dr. Miles of Elkhart, IN, helping him sell thousands of bottles of his famous elixer, Dr. Miles Nervine.
The Printing Museum’s collections include one of the most extensive collections of early typesetting and hot metal linecasting machines, from the Model 1 Linotype of 1890 to its early competitors, the Unitype and Rogers Typograph. There’s even a rare “linotype” typewriter among the Museum’s typewriter collection. Take a moment to see how fast you can type your story with that unusual keyboard!
A fully working 1950’s printing shop includes a working Linotype and Intertype, along with an All-Purpose Linotype and a Ludlow Typecaster with 900 fonts to choose from. The Heidelberg Cylinder Letterpress and Windmill are in regular operation, creating keepsakes for visitors harkening to an age of demanding printing production skills.
The exhibits of the Printing Museum cover the history of wood type, various printing techniques including stone lithography and engraving, the history of paper, newspapers and typewriters, and more.
Museum Founder Ernie Lindner build the original collection of antique printing presses over the course of 50 years in the 20th century. Since 1988, Founding Curator Mark Barbour has significantly added to this collection, creating one of the world’s largest collections of working antique printing machinery. Since its beginning in 1988, the Printing Museum to expand its educational programs to bring the history of printing and publishing to life for more than 25,000 visitors annually.
—Mark Barbour, Reception Committee Co-Chair
Fri 3/3/2017 12:15 PM
Convention Dates Changed to July 27–29
Pres. Michelle Klosterman has just announced that on the request of Reception Committee Co-Chair Mark Barbour the dates of the Convention have been changed from July 20–22 to July 27–29. (The location remains the same – The International Printing Museum, Carson, California.)
Further details about the program will be finalized and released next week, and they include optional activities on the 26th and 30th as well.
Details and schedule for the 2017 NAPA Convention should soon be available at or by emailing Reception Committee Co-Chair Mark Barbour at
—Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News
Thu 3/2/2017 11:51 PM
2017 NAPA Convention Details
142nd NAPA Annual Convention
July 26th to 30th, 2017
at the International Printing Museum
Carson, California
Day One— Wednesday, July 26th:
- Suggested Early Activities for Early Birds:
- Huntington Library, Galleries & Gardens (Pasadena Area)
- The Getty Museum, Santa Monica
- 2:30 pm Tour of The Bookbinding Collection at KaterCraft Bookbinders, Pico Rivera
- 6:00 pm: (optional) dinner together at DoubleTree Hotel Restaurant, Carson.
Day Two— Thursday, July 27th:
- 9:00 am: First session, International Printing Museum Heritage Theatre:
- Call to order by the President/Presiding officer
- Welcome
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll call
- Appointment of pro tempore officers
- Report of Secretary-Treasurer on applicants and reinstatements
- Annual reports of officers and committees:
- President Michelle Klosterman
- Vice-President
- Secretary-Treasurer Bill Boys
- Recorder
- Official Editor
- Executive Judges
- Mailing Bureau Manager
- Manuscript Bureau Manager
- Historian
- Bureau of Critics Chairman
- Librarian
- Director of Publicity (vacant)
- Webmaster
- Presentation to the presiding officer, for transmission to the Chairman of the Absentee Ballot Committee, of the absentee ballots and the list of members eligible to vote
- Appointment of members of the Absentee Ballot Committee
- Miscellaneous and new business:
- Appointment of the Auditing Committee
- Appointment of the Amendments Committee
- Appointment of the Budget Committee
- Appointment of the Resolutions Committee
- Other miscellaneous and new business
- Lunch on your own
- 2:00 pm: Curator’s Working Tour of the International Printing Museum
- 3:30 pm: Museum Heritage Theatre: Benjamin Franklin, Printer & Publisher
- 5:00 pm: Folded Magic Workshop: Three Book Arts Journal Ideas
- 6:30 pm: Dinner Buffet at Museum: Chile Verde Mexican Restaurant
- 8:00 pm: A Printer’s Movie Night at Museum:
- “Mr. 880” with Jimmy Stewart and a Model Printing Press
- “The Twilight Zone: The Printer’s Devil” with Merideth Burgess
Day Three— Friday, July 28th:
- 9:00 am: Second Session, International Printing Museum Heritage Theatre:
- Roll call
- Unfinished business
- Report of the Absentee Ballot Committee
- Election of officers and convention seat
- Vote upon proposed amendments to the constitution or the adoption of a new constitution
- Miscellaneous and new business
- Lunch on your own. (Option for Papa John’s Pizza delivered to Museum)
- 1:00 pm: Small Presses, Big Impressions: Amateur Presses in the Museum Collection
- 2:00 pm: Practical Paper Marbling Demonstration & Workshop
Presenter: Jack Conway, Printer & Educator - 4:00 pm: Treasures from the Printing Museum’s Library: A Hands-on Exploration
Type specimen books, printing journals, rare books and early amateur printing - Dinner on your own
- 7:00 pm: At Museum: NAPA Auction ??? or a presentation at the Museum
- Hospitality back at the hotel
Day 4— Saturday, July 29th:
- 9:00 am: Third Session, International Printing Museum Heritage Theatre:
- Roll call.
- Laureate awards
- Installation of new officers
- Appointment of pro tempore officers
- Unfinished business
- Reports of committees:
- Auditing Committee
- Budget Committee
- Amendments Committee
- 10:30 am: Linotyping a Special NAPA Journal with Bill Berkuta, Museum Swift:
- Master Linotyper Bill will set in type stories written by NAPA Convention attendees for the production of a special Convention Journal.
- Typecasting Demonstrations throughout the Museum:
- Linotype, Ludlow, APL, Thompson, Monotype Material Maker Attendees are encouraged to bring a line or two to get cast in metal
- 12:30 pm: Lunch on your own
- 2:00 pm: Printing of special Convention Journal on Heidelberg Cylinder & Windmill Presses
- Printing Opportunities for Attendees on Various Presses throughout the Museum including unusual platen presses, Washington Press, Albion, Columbian, Gutenberg, Large Vandercooks, Screen Printing Convention T-Shirt or Apron
- 4:00 pm: A Foreign-American’s Reminiscences of Amateur Journalism: George Hamilton (?)
- 5:00 pm: Convention photo in the Printing Museum Galleries
- 7:00 pm: Convention Banquet:
- Keynote Presentation: Mark Barbour, Museum Director & Founding Curator: “LINDNER’S GOLD: The Collections of the International Printing Museum”
- Closing Business Session – President Michelle Klosterman
- Report of the Resolutions Committee
- Adjournment sine die.
Day Five— Sunday, July 30th:
- 9:30 am until all have left – Post-Convention Brunch & Open House at the home of Mark Barbour & his Four Quoins Press, 1844 E. Walnut Ave, Orange, CA. (30 miles from Carson, we will have a 12 passenger van available to shuttle guests interested)Enjoy a delightful and relaxing backyard California brunch in the atmosphere of a 1909 house; there will be opportunities for printing keepsakes on Mark’s 1832 Albion Press and 1900 Pearl Press, as well as driving tours of the historic Orange Circle district in vintage automobiles.
—Mark Barbour, Reception Committee Co-Chair
Thu 3/2/2017 11:51 PM
2017 NAPA Convention Details
Based on the Printing Museum calendar, the best date to set the NAPA Convention will be Wed July 26th to Sun July 30th. This is the week after the APA Wayzgoose, and hopefully those crossover members of both groups will be inspired to attend both events; this might help boost the attendance at NAPA.
The designated hotel is the DoubleTree in Carson, which is about 1.5 miles from Museum. The rate is $155, and I am finalizing the contract with them this week. They do have shuttle service available to get guests from the hotel to the Museum, and the Printing Museum will also have a van available to shuttle guests as well.
Everything will be happening at the Printing Museum, with business sessions each morning and Museum tours and activities in the afternoon and evenings.
I am attaching the proposed schedule of activities that Leland and I have worked out. I believe we have lined up a really great slate of activities for the attendees at the 142nd Convention!
Thank you everyone.
—Mark Barbour, Reception Committee Co-Chair
Mon 11/28/2016 4:10 PM
Dr. Leland Whitson Named As 2017 Reception Committee Chair for the Carson, Cal., Convention
Pres. Michelle Klosterman announces that Dr. Whitson has accepted the post of Reception Committee Chair for our 2017 Convention, to be held at the International Printing Museum, Carson, California, next July. (Exact dates have not yet been set.)
Dr. Whitson is the Docent Director of the Museum.
Mark Barbour, Founding Curator and Executive Director of the Museum will serve as Co-Chair.
—Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News