The 140th NAPA Convention at Columbus, Ohio July 2–4, 2015

We have moved to another hotel:
Hilton Garden Inn
3232 Olentangy River Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43202

June 26, 2015 Convention Program is now available Bill Boys, heading the arrangements for the 2015 Convention, has posted the Convention Program.Please click here for full day-by-day details about the convention. —Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News |
June 4, 2015 Reminder – Guaranteed Convention Room Reservation Deadline is Tomorrow, June 5 To be sure that you get the room rate of $99, phone your reservation to (614) 263-7200, the Hilton Garden Inn, 3232 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus OH 43202, no later than tomorrow, June 5. If the desk clerk you speak with has any uncertainty about our convention being there (due to the last-minute change of hotels we had to make), kindly refer him/her to Maggie Mungai, the Director of Sales. I met with her on Monday, and everything is all set up. Ms. Mungai says she will also do her best to get even late registrants the NAPA room rate, so if you miss this deadline, don’t totally give up. (And also there are the nearby hotels mentioned in the last NAPA Email News.) One unexpected bonus of the hotel switch is that at the Hilton Garden Inn, we will have free shuttle service to and from our Chinese dinner on July 1, and our closing banquet on July 4. Yes, There Will Be an Auction George Hamilton has agreed to serve as auctioneer, so the auction is definitely on. Harold Cheney is donating an autographed set of four of his books, and these are already on hand. Bill Venrick may be adding a Kelsey press. What else might be in it? If you have something you’re bringing (or sending), kindly let me know so I can acknowledge it and add it to the list. If you are sending something, you need to know that my shipping address is not my home address. Send it to me in care of German Village Society, 588 S. Third St., Columbus OH 43215. (They are our safe repository for items too big to fit through a mail slot.) Aggie Toppins’ Presentation on Zines Aggie will present an illustrated talk at 2 p.m. on July 2 about zines. She “will discuss the history of zines and their current renaissance. Zines (pronounced ‘zeens’) are self-published books and magazines. Historically, zines represented counter-cultural movements from radical politics to science-fiction fandom. Although they were once plentiful in record stores, coffee shops and independent bookstores nationwide, zines suffered a massive decline with the advent of blogs and social media. Now zines are back! Artists, writers, and anyone with something to say have once again picked up the platform. Today, zines span a range of topics and genres. Cheap to produce and easy to distribute, zines can be about anything and anyone can make a zine. Toppins will discuss the underlying causes for the zine resurgence and share exciting contemporary examples.” And I’m delighted to report that I’m hearing back from Columbus-area Design, Writing and English faculty members and departments to whom I’m sending it, that they are posting it and some have announced that they are planning to attend Aggie’s talk. Reminder – Banquet Reservations Needed If you are planning to attend the convention banquet, kindly email me to that effect. (I’m now have 9 reservations.) The deadline on this is June 30.Absentee Ballots Coming in … Is Yours?Eight absentee ballots are on hand as of today. —Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News |
June 3, 2015 Guest Speaker Announced Long Live the Zine! Aggie Toppins, the Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, will speak at our convention about the history and current resurgence of Zines (July 2, 2–3 pm). Click here for further information about this informative presentation. —Bill Boys, Coordinator |
May 30, 2015 FLASH NEWS – Sudden Change of Convention Hotel Yesterday we learned that renovations to our former convention hotel are happening later than was expected last year when we contracted for the dates of July 2–4, so we are shifting across the street to the Hilton Garden Inn, 3232 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43202. Those who made reservations at the former hotel have had their reservations transferred to the Hilton Garden Inn already, and at the same $99 price. (Those are: Alice Brosey, Michelle Klosterman, John Visser, Melody Warner and Jacob Warner.) IF YOU HAVE NOT YET MADE YOUR RESERVATION … all previous registration information is obsolete, and the new phone number to call is (614) 263-7200. We definitely suggest calling directly rather than attempting to register online because this change is so recent that it’s not posted on the web yet, and although the deadline for reservations has been extended, it is only extended til June 5 – less than a week away. The same $99 rate will apply until then, as long as you mention you are with the National Amateur Press Association. As an added bonus, the cooked and served breakfast at the Hilton Garden Inn will be INCLUDED in the room rate, not as an extra expense. Here’s a link to the details of what’s available at the Hilton Garden Inn: Reminder – Banquet Reservations Still Needed The change of hotels does not affect our banquet arrangements since it will be off-site anyway, but just a reminder that June 30 is still the banquet reservation deadline. If you are planning to attend it, kindly email me to that effect. I’m sure more of you are planning to come than the 3 reservations I have in hand at the moment. —Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News …For address changes, to subscribe or unsubscribe, please email me at |
May 27, 2015 Two Deadlines Regarding the Convention Two deadlines are coming up: The first one is hot! – June 1 – deadline for guaranteed rooms at the special convention rate. Reservations can be made online at or you may phone them directly at 614-267-1111. – June 30 – banquet reservation deadline. If you are planning to attend it, kindly email me to that effect. SUMMARY OF CONVENTION EVENTS Wed., July 1, 6 p.m. – Chinese dinner (China Dynasty Restaurant). Thu., July 2, morning – Convention Session 1 2:00 p.m. – Zines, a presentation by Aggie Toppins. Fri., July 3, morning – Convention Session 2 2:00 p.m. – Visit to Igloo Letterpress (in nearby Worthington). Sat., July 4, morning – Convention Session 3 6:00 p.m. – Convention photo and closing banquet (Bravo Cucina Italiana). Sun., July 5, 10 a.m. – Post-convention brunch at the home of Bill & Ruth Boys (German Village neighborhood of Columbus). —Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News |
Jan. 11, 2015 2015 Convention Set for July 2–4 It’s official. The 140th Convention of the National Amateur Press Association will meet on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 2, 3 & 4, at the Fairfield Inn & Suites, 3031 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43202. Room rates will be $99 per night, plus tax, for a room with two double beds. (Other types of rooms are available upon inquiry.) This special rate will also be available on July 1 for those who wish to check in on Wednesday. We have a block of ten rooms. Reservations at the special rate will close on June 1, and please be advised that since the Ohio State athletic fields and facilities are in the near vicinity, rooms are often in demand during summertime when the university hosts sports clinics of many types. The hotel has given us a link for making reservations: A slide show of the facility, the amenities offered, etc., are also available at that link. —Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News |