The 141st NAPA Convention at Madison, Wisconsin July 21–23, 2016

University of Wisconsin at Madison
Library of Amateur Journalism
Memorial Library (Meetings): 728 State St, Madison, WI 53706
The Lowell Center (Lodging): 610 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53703
(They are about a block from each other.)

Thu 7/7/2016 4:31 PM Updated Convention Items Thanks to Dave Tribby, Ken Faig, Barry Schrader, and Michelle Klosterman for these relevant items. Registration Confirmation Coming This Week: University of Wisconsin staff will soon email Conference information to everyone who has submitted a registration form. If you have mailed your registration but do not receive the UW email by Friday, contact Dave Tribby ( and he will help ensure you are registered. Conference Registrations ($10) will be available on-site in Memorial Library, Room 116, July 21–23. (But not banquet reservations— see below for that.) NAPA members will have their conference registration fee refunded in accordance with a 2002 Resolution that NAPA would not levy registration fees for conventions. (But go ahead and pay it, then get refunded, since this year the convention registration is handled by the Univ. of Wis. Foundation, not NAPA.) Hospitality Suite: Barry Schrader is planning a hospitality suite open to all conference registrants at Lowell Inn (room to be posted) on Thursday and Friday evenings. Also, the downstairs lounge at Lowell Inn will be available to all conference registrants for socializing during the entire conference run, July 21–23. NAPA Meeting Room: Memorial Library Room 124 will be reserved for NAPA business sessions and committee meetings during the entire conference run. Most program items (panels, etc.) will be in Memorial Library Room 126. Conference registrants should use the Langdon St. entrance at Memorial Library (north side of the building). Silent Auction Items: should be up for viewing in Room 116, Memorial Library, by Thursday afternoon, July 21, and all day Friday, July 22. Financial settlements for the silent auction will be Friday, July 22, at 4:30 p.m.—cash or check only. Donations to the silent auction can be brought to Room 116 Thursday or Friday. Forms will be available. Proceeds can be directed to AAPA, NAPA or The Fossils (choose one donation for each auction lot). The Fossil Luncheon: it’s not just for Fossil members but is open to everyone. It will be held on Friday, July 22, at noon, Room 116, Memorial Library. The Fossils are planning to have complimentary deli sandwich trays. Plus, Ken Faig is planning to bring some chips and cookies. Perhaps some bottled water as well, although there will be beverage vending machines right outside Room 116. Exhibit of Sample Library of Amateur Journalism Items will follow the Fossils luncheon at 1 p.m. Friday, 9th floor of Memorial Library. Charlie Bush Chinese Dinner: Friday evening. Plans are not yet firm on this. In any case, information will be available at the conference if not before. Banquet Reservations: As of a few days ago, we had about 35 total advance registrants for the conference. Registrations for the Saturday evening banquet ($35) close July 15, 2016. No banquet reservations will be available on-site. Mail your registration form by July 11 to arrive before banquet registrations close. Here is a PDF file containing a registration form for the Conference. You can either fill it out on your computer before printing it, or print it and then fill it out by hand. The registration fee is a modest $10/person, plus $35/person for the optional Saturday night banquet. Make your check payable to “UW Foundation,” then mail the check and completed form to the address on the bottom of the form. Please submit your form as soon as possible— due to the caterer’s schedule, banquet reservations must be received no later than July 15. —Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News |
Thu 6/7/2016 3:02 PM Amateur Journalism Conference – Madison July 21–23, 2016 One addition: Deadline for paying $35 for your Saturday night banquet reservation is JULY 15. Thank you, —Ben Strand Director of Development, UW-Madison Libraries |
Thu 6/7/2016 1:05 PM Amateur Journalism Conference – Madison July 21–23, 2016 Please remind members of your associations, especially those who have expressed interest in attending the conference, that reservations for the banquet on Saturday July 23, 2016, will be closing June 15, 2016. There will be no banquet tickets available for purchase at the conference. The menu for the banquet is the “Wisconsin Choice Buffet” which according to the UWE food service menu includes: “Sliced baked tenderloin with port wine sauce, grilled chicken breast with a cranberry mushroom sauce, herbed baked cod, sour cream potatoes or wild rice, glazed baby carrots and whole green beans, salad bar, fresh fruit salad, relish tray, fresh dinner rolls, and beverages.” Two dessert choices, sour cream apple pie and fudge bottom pie, will also be available. Special dietary needs, if noted, can also be accommodated. The cost for the buffet service banquet is $35 per person. The banquet will be preceded by a reception with cash bar. A reservation link for the conference and the banquet is available on The Fossils website, Jessica Isaac, Ph.D., will be our keynote speaker for the banquet. Her presentation will begin following the food service, at 8 p.m., and all conference registrants are welcome to join us to hear Jessica’s address at that time. Other post-banquet events will include AAPA presentations, NAPA laureate awards and other closing business, and conference farewell. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in Madison on July 21–23. I am hoping that AAPA and NAPA will have good meetings in the facilities provided by UW-Madison, and that everyone will have an ample opportunity to socialize and to become more familiar with the LAJ collection at UW-Madison. Carol and I will probably be spending a lot of time in Room 116 helping with conference registration and other events like The Fossils’ luncheon and the silent auction. Please do not be offended if we do not attend your specific panel or event. We want to do everything we can to assure that everyone’s stay is both enjoyable and profitable. Cordially, —Ken Faig, Jr. President, The Fossils |
Sun 5/22/2016 1:04 PM Convention Registration Deadline is June 15 Our Convention Reception Committee Chair, Arie Koelewyn, announces that registrations for the 2016 NAPA Convention have a June 15 deadline. The registration form is here. Our Convention will be July 21, 22 & 23. It will be part of the Amateur Journalism Conference set for same dates at the Library of Amateur Journalism, University of Wisconsin at Madison. A regional group of AAPA members, as well as members of The Fossils, will be involved in events planned for this special gathering, which is of unique interest for all of us who publish and support amateur journals. —Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News |
Mon 5/2/2016 1:56 PM Amateur Journalism Conference Registration Planning for the Conference has been proceeding well, and there will be a number of interesting panels and presentations. You can read the latest news about the Conference on several different websites: The Fossils University of Wisconsin-Madison AAPA NAPA (this website) Here is a PDF file containing a registration form for the Conference. You can either fill it out on your computer before printing it, or print it and then fill it out by hand. The registration fee is a modest $10/person, plus $35/person for the optional Saturday night banquet. Make your check payable to “UW Foundation,” then mail the check and completed form to the address on the bottom of the form. Please submit your form as soon as possible— due to the caterer’s schedule, banquet reservations must be received no later than June 15. You should also make your room reservations soon. A limited number of rooms have been set aside at the Lowell Inn and Conference Center and the nearby Hilton Double Tree at a special Conference rate. Visit The Fossils’ website for further reservation instructions. If you know of others who might be interested in Conference information, please feel free to forward this message. Let me know if you have questions. —Dave Tribby, AAPA |
Sat 3/19/2016 9:37 PM NAPA Convention Plans The NAPA 2016 Convention will take place on July 21, 22, and 23 (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) in Madison Wisconsin at the University of Wisconsin Madison. The UW-M Library holds the Library of Amateur Journalism and this will be the major theme of the gathering, which in addition to NAPA, will include the Fossils and a regional gathering of the AAPA (American Amateur Press Association) on Friday and Saturday. The main hotel accommodations will be at the UW-M’s Lowell Center with meetings and presentations taking place in the nearby Library. The overflow hotel, in case of a large attendance is at the Hilton Doubletree down the block. Reservation details: Lowell Inn and Conference Center is located a short walk from Memorial Library. Nightly rates range from $94 (one person, standard room) to $131 (two people, deluxe room). To get the special conference rates, use the AJ Conference Lowell booking link or call 866-301-1753 and refer to group code UWLIB. The Lowell Center610 Langdon St Madison, WI 53703-1195Reservations: 866-301-1753Phone: 608-256-2621Fax: 608-262-5445Hilton Double Tree, also located nearby, has a special rate of $159/night. Guests may use the AJ Conference Double Tree Booking link or call 608-251-5511 and reference code LB7. DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Madison525 West Johnson StreetMadison, Wisconsin 53703Tel: +1-608-251-5511Fax: +1-608-251-4824 Registration will be $10 for the joint conference with optional meals at $10 (box lunch Friday) and $35 (Banquet Saturday). There will be a cash bar before the banquet. The $10 registration fee will be used to offset and Convention expenses the three groups incur together. NAPA Business meetings are scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday meetings. The Thursday afternoon schedule is completely up to NAPA (others won’t meet until Friday) and is not yet determined. Thursday evening will consist of informal gatherings in a meeting room; a chance to talk and meet people, new acquaintances and old friends. Friday afternoon will see a visit to the Library of Amateur Journalism in the UW-M Library Special Collections. Friday evening will see a joint auction with the ability to designate the recipient of proceeds from sales for individual items. So bring lots of AJ stuff to sell. There’ll also be a Charlie Bush Memorial Chinese Dinner, an AAPA tradition, all are welcome to attend. A group dinner, but you pay for your own meal. Saturday will bring afternoon LAJ themed discussions, presentations and panels. The open bar, Convention photos, and Banquet in the evening. The schedule is somewhat tentative and subject to change if necessitated by unforseen events. —Arie Koelewyn, Chair, NAPA Reception Committee |
Sun 2/7/2016 4:12 AM Convention Dates Are Set – July 21, 22, 23 Reception Committee chair Arie Koelewyn announces that Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 21–23, are the dates for our 2016 convention, in Madison, Wisconsin. He is preparing a piece for the February bundle with further information. —Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News |
Wed 2/3/2016 5:08 PM Dates for AAPA A. J. Conference Set The dates for the AAPA regional gathering in Madison, Wisconsin, have been set: July 22 and 23. This gathering is being held in conjunction with Amateur Journalism Conference 2016, a celebration of the Library of Amateur Journalism the is located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. (The Fossils are helping to put the program together. NAPA will also be in attendance, with their annual convention held July 21–23.) UW staff has arranged two hotel options for conference attendees; the number of rooms is limited, so be sure to make your reservations as soon as you know you can attend. Further information is available on the AAPA website, at Dave Tribby would like to know if you plan on attending; contact him at Amateur Journalism’s Early Days: The January issue of The Fossil, edited by NAPA’s Dave Tribby, features an article by Jessica Isaac, who used the collections at the Library of Amateur Journalism and the American Antiquarian Society to study amateur papers from the 1860s through the 1880s. At that time, amateur journalism was a new phenomenon dominated by teenagers who used the latest technology (table-top presses) to communicate with other adolescents – similar to the way adolescents today use social media. The issue is available on-line at Jessica is interested in hearing from present-day amateur journalists to learn how the hobby has grown and changed – so give it a read and let her know what you think. She will be the banquet speaker at next July’s AJ Conference. Additional Information: Further information is available on The Fossils website: —Dave Tribby, AAPA |