July 26–28, 2012 at Dayton, Ohio
This year’s convention will be co-located with the AAPA convention.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012:
From the NAPA Email News
Michelle Klosterman, Arrangements Committee Chair, passes on news that our block of hotel rooms was released this morning to the general public and Karen Younce, the Director of Sales at our hotel, expects the hotel to be sold out for our dates.
However, there are still a few rooms available at present and if you still want to get in, call Karen Younce directly (do not use the website, the Marriott chain’s reservation lines, nor the hotel’s general number). Karen’s direct numbers are (937) 242-4002 or her mobile phone, (937) 474-8883.
The convention dates are July 26–28, with early arrivals on July 25, and farewell Sunday brunch on the 29th.
Michelle also reports that as of today 24 persons are signed up for rooms for our convention.
—Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News
Sunday, June 24, 2012:
From the NAPA Email News
Arrangements Committee Chair Michelle Klosterman passes on this late-breaking news that our convention hotel has extended our registration deadline to July 2nd. You can phone your reservation to (937) 220-9060 or toll free at (866) 321-2211. Be sure to advise them you are part of the NAPA/AAPA conventions.
—Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News
Sunday, June 24, 2012:
From the NAPA Email News
Don’t want to lug items for the convention auction on the plane with you? Our convention hotel has generously agreed to accept items shipped in advance. Address them to:
Michelle Klosterman / Karen Younce
Courtyard University of Dayton
2006 S. Edwin C. Moses Blvd.
Dayton OH 45417
—Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News
Thursday, June 21, 2012:
Convention Events
Michelle Klosterman, our convention Reception Committee chair, sends us this information about events that are being planned for the convention:
- The Charlie Bush Chinese Dinner on Thurs, July 26th. Cost about $20/person.
- A unique Booklet Binding technique will be taught by Bill Tauber of AAPA on the afternoon of Fri, July 27th.
- The combined auction will be held on Friday evening, July 27th. If people prefer to mail their auction items ahead they can actually send them directly to the hotel in mine or Gary Bossler’s name.
- A demontration of the LetterMPress IPad & Mac app, by its creator, John Bonadies will be held on the afternoon of Sat, July 28th. This app gives you the ability to design and print Letterpress work from a modern device.
- The combined banquet will be $30/person on Saturday, July 28th. Alex Heckman, Historian from Carilon Park will be speaking about the history of the Wright Brothers Printing Career.
- Fields trips include: US Air Force Museum, morning of Sat, July 28th and Carilon Park, Printing Press Shop on Sun, July 29th. Followed by the farewell brunch at Culp’s Cafe on the Carilon Park Campus at about $15/person.
- Questions or notification of what people will be attending (to give me a somewhat accurate amount of number attending can be sent to me via email to: 2012.dayton@gmail.com or by calling Michelle at 513-659-8822.
Thursday, June 14, 2012:
From the NAPA Email News
Michelle Klosterman, our convention Reception Committee chair, sends this reminder that June 25 is the last day to get your reservation at the discounted rate of $94. In addition, the hotel is offering the same reduced rate if you want to come as early as June 24th, and/or stay afterwards till July 30th.
[This is a genuinely discounted rate. I just checked their website and even their “Last-Minute Weekend” deals for this coming weekend are $25 higher than our convention rate. –Bill Boys.]
You can reserve by phone at (937) 220-9060 or toll free at (866) 321-2211.
You can also make your reservation online at http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/dayud?groupCode=NAPNAPA&app=resvlink&fromDate=7/25/12&toDate=7/29/12
Our first convention session begins on the morning of Thursday, July 26; the post-convention lunch is on Sunday, July 29. (The AAPA convention session begins on Friday, July 27.)
—Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News
Thursday, June 7, 2012:
Request for information regarding meal plans
Michelle Hauke-Klosterman of the Reception Committee has made the following request:
“I’m attaching the PSA for the Convention and a copy of the questionaire that will go out in the June bundle so I know about how many will be attending the Chinese dinner and the banquet so we can better plan those events.
“Please either return this sheet by mail, or if you prefer, you can email or call my cell to let me know by July 1, 2012.”
The form is available here in both MS Word format and PDF format.
Thursday, June 7, 2012:
Press Release
Michelle Hauke-Klosterman of the Reception Committee sent us the following announcement, which has been sent out as a press release for publicity:
The Marriott Courtyard will be the temporary home during the annual conventions of the Dayton Duo, two amateur press associations, The American Amateur Press Association and The National Amateur Press Association. This is the second year for the two groups to observe their annual convention together. Members of the press associations celebrate many types of publications, including chapbooks, ejournals and newspapers.
Workshops are free and open to the public. Unique Bookbinding will be presented at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, July 27, and LetterMPress for Ipad–Mac will begin at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 28. A combined auction will take place Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. at the hotel and will offer books, collectibles, and many items related to the hobby.
The annual banquet, held at 6:00 on Saturday night, will feature a key note speaker who will reveal the Wright Brothers as inventive pressmen. Also at the banquet, the winners of the annual Laureate awards will be announced. The awards include categories of Poetry, Fiction, History of Amateur Journalism, Editorial Comment, Miscellaneous Prose, Art, Editing and Printing.
The A.A.P.A., (www.aapainfo.org) has been in operation since 1936, and the N.A.P.A., (www.amateurpress.org.) since 1876. Both A.A.P.A. and N.A.P.A. are nonprofit organizations that encourage the amateur press enthusiast by giving them monthly opportunities to publish their works, increase their skills and knowledge, and win annual competitions.
For more information about the Dayton convention, please visit the organizations’ websites (see above) or contact Michelle Klosterman at 513-659-8822.
For more information about this press release, contact Lisa Brandstetter Holt at 513-659-8567.
Monday, May 21, 2012:
Preliminary Convention Agenda
Here is the Preliminary NAPA/AAPA Convention Agenda, as provided by Michelle J. Hauke-Klosterman of the Reception Committee:

March 13, 2012:
From the NAPA Email News
Reception Committee Chair Michelle Klosterman sends this in from the Marriott Courtyard University of Dayton, our 2012 convention hotel.
“Online room reservations are now just a click away with ResLink!
“Please click on the link below and enter your arrival and departure dates to the left. The NAPA/AAPA CONVENTION RATE will be already loaded for you [on the next screen]. [On that next screen, click on the $94 room-rate button in order to proceed.] You will be able to complete your reservation process. If the response says no rooms available, please try alternate booking link, as this room type is sold out.
“You may also call to reserve at (937) 220-9060 or toll free at (866) 321-2211.
“Please reserve BEFORE JUNE 25, 2012.”
Here’s the link to the hotel site:
Our first convention session begins on the morning of Thursday, July 26; the post-convention lunch is on Sunday, July 29. (The AAPA convention session begins on Friday, July 27.)
Michelle adds: “Please note there are only a few king rooms available; once they are gone people will have to reserve the double queen rooms. The rate is $94/night for either.”Information about the AAPA convention, which is being held at the same time as our own NAPA convention, is available here:
February 23, 2012:
From the NAPA Email News
Our concurrent NAPA and AAPA conventions will be held at the Marriott Courtyard – University of Dayton. The convention room rate of $94 per night (plus taxes) can be obtained by calling 1-800-321-2211. Be sure to request the AAPA-NAPA group rate.
(Thanks, again, to Mike O’Connor and the “AAPA Alert” for this information. More news about the convention will be forthcoming in the bundles and The National Amateur.)
—Bill Boys, Coordinator, NAPA Email News